Category: Year 3

3HC’s Assembly

3HC had a wonderful time practising their assembly where they learnt lots about the Stone Age to the Iron Age in a kinesthetic ,fun approach.  Though they were nervous, they really enjoyed performing! Thank you for watching and supporting us throughout the experience.

Stone Age Shelters

Year 3 have started off their Stone Age to Iron Age topic fantastically with their brilliant theme Home Learning. In school we have been learning about the types of shelters that Stone Age people would have lived in, and the materials that they would have been able to use. The children have then made their own models of these shelters, and they look very realistic! Well done Year 3! 

School of Rock(s)

This month, Year 3 have been exploring rocks. We’ve been finding out about how different rocks are made, including the rocks that make up the Lickey Hills and the nearby Malvern Hills. We also sorted out lots of rocks from the softest to hardest before using our findings to suggest suitable rocks to make a skate ramp with.

Science with a Bang!

Do all party poppers require the same amount of pulling force to make them pop? That’s the question nobody has ever asked before but which Year 3 set out to answer anyway. Hanging increasing amounts of weights from the pull string we found that some poppers needed twice as much force as others. Some even needed more than 2kg or a 20 newton force before they finally went BANG! Bring on New Year’s Eve!

Magnetic Metals?

Year 3 have started looking at magnetic force. We were pretty confident at predicting which objects would stick to a magnet but we were a little surprised that a 2p coin didn’t. This lead us to wonder whether some metals are not magnetic. We repeated our testing with samples of different metals. Iron and steel were magnetic but others, such as copper, zinc, aluminium and bronze, were not. 

However, it turned out that some 2p coins are magnetic. Looking at the dates on the coins we realised that the coins are now made of a different metal.


Year 3 had a wonderful time baking with Mrs Cupper last week! The children baked bread! The children worked very well in a team to follow a recipe, knead and bake a loaf of garlic bread. How does this relate to Ancient Egypt? Well they loved garlic and bread was a staple food . It hasn’t changed much, has it? 


Why is the Sky Blue?

Why is the sky blue? How are rainbows made? What would the world be like without colour?

After sharing ideas about why colour is important we explored the science of colour through lots of activities. We used coloured torches to mix light, made colour wheels, tried coloured filters, used prisms to create rainbows and played with a “sky” tank to make blue skies, yellow suns and orange sunsets.

Year 3’s Trip- Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

Up Periscope!

Year 3 have been investigating reflection by making periscopes. We had fun spying on each other. We then looked at symmetrical shapes and how a light reflected across the angles.

Year 3 Yoga

3HC and LB children have really enjoyed yoga already and it has helped them mentally adapt to the great transition from year 2 to year 3. Also, it is helping them enhance their flexibility,  strength and coordination.