Month: October 2021

Week ending Friday, 1st October, 2021

What another lovely week in LB 1!

We have finished our exploration of ‘Hey, Friend’ by Rebecca Cobb. The children used this to work on our word of the week – ‘share’.

In Maths, Yr. R have continued to find ways to show ‘more’ and ‘less’. We challenged each other to feed pasta onto pipe cleaners as well as drawing ‘more’ and ‘less’ shapes in flour. This led to the creation of wonderful pasta jewellery and beautiful flour based art.




We continued to mark make, working on our number formation.


We are practising our name writing too.


Our lesson with Dr. Fishwick was all about ‘killing germs’. They talked about their personal hygiene before using hundreds and thousands and vaseline to explore how germs stick to dirty hands.

Our favourite Brain Breaks this week have been to the songs, ‘Gummi Bear’  and the ‘Monkey Dance’, both taken from Just Dance Kids.