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Staff List
Meet the Staff Team September 2024/25
Not only are we a friendly and supportive school of happy, independent, enthusiastic learners, we are an equally enthusiastic, energetic and dedicated staff team.
Senior Leadership Team:
Headteacher: Mr. Dathan
Deputy Headteacher: Mrs. Williams
Assistant Headteacher: Mrs. Page
EYFS Phase Leader: Mrs. Reading
KS1 Phase Leader: Miss H. Bate
KS2 Phase Leader: Miss C. Williams
SENDCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator): Mrs. Williams
Class Teachers and Class-Based Teaching Assistants:
1SW Mrs. Whittaker 1HB Miss Bate
Year 1 Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Smith
2MK Dr. Kirby 2JS Miss Stanley
Year 2 Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Crompton
3VE Miss Evans 3SB Mrs. Brooks
Year 3 Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Hemming
4HR Ms. Reeves 4GM Miss McDonnell
Year 4 Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Room and Mrs. Green (SEN)
5CW Miss Williams 5HM Miss Moore
Year 5 Teaching Assistants: Mrs. George & Miss Hughes
6AS Miss Smith 6JL Mrs. Lewellyn
Year 6 Teaching Assistant: Mr. Holloway
Language Base Teachers:
Cover staff and Enrichment Teachers: Mrs. Bryan, Mrs. Matthews & Dr. Fishwick
Learning Support, Pupil Premium and Nurture: Mrs. Lewis and Miss. Lynch
Administration Team:
School Business Manager: Mr. Dillon
School Administrator: Miss Brown
School Administrator: Mrs. Kemp
School Finance Officer: Mrs. Jones
Site Team:
Assistant Caretaker: Mr. Murphy
Lunchtime Supervisors:
No school employee has a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.
Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery is committed to safeguarding and the PREVENT strategy and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Pupils learn to accept and uphold our fundamental British values.
All applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to the post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service. A Disqualification Self Declaration Form is to be completed and returned with the application.
We are an equal opportunities employer and we are determined to ensure that no applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender reassignment, age, disability, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy/maternity or race