"Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported very well. They are fully included in the life of the school, including those who attend the language base who spend part of the day accessing their specialist provision."
Ofsted 2024
Mrs Williams is the school SENDCo – to contact Mrs. Williams please call 0121 445 1992 or email
Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery has high ambitions for all its pupils and expects them to participate and achieve in every aspect of school life. Our commitment to equal opportunities is an important aspect of our overall commitment to be a fully inclusive school. Most children’s needs are met in the mainstream school but occasionally a child’s needs cannot be met from the resources normally available in school. LHPSN has an Additional Speech and Language base Provision for children aged 4 – 11 (LB1 and LB2) that meets the needs of eighteen such children from various parts of Worcester.
"The school is a vibrant welcoming place that is fully inclusive and open to all. This is characterised by strong relationships and high levels of trust."
IQM 2024
Meet the SEN/D Staff Team
The school SENDCO can be contacted via
The Governor with responsibility for SEN is Mrs Diane Hanke
Mrs Reading is the SENDCo point of contact for pupils in Nursery and reception class
Mrs Williams (DHT) is the SENDCo point of contact for pupils in mainstream classes Y1-6 and the Language Base. Mrs Williams is a Trauma Informed Schools accredited practitioner and mental health first aider and Deputy Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection
Mr Dathan (HT) is the Designated Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection
We are also supported by NHS speech, communication and language therapists, a Wrcestershire Educational Psychologist and staff from the Positive Behaviour Team.
The School SEN/D aims are to:
set suitable learning challenges;
respond to pupils’ diverse needs; and
overcome potential barriers to learning for individuals and groups of pupils.
We welcome all pupils and staff, irrespective of race, colour, creed or impairment. Every member of staff shares the responsibility to remove barriers to learning for all pupils, including those with a disability. We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs or abilities. Not all pupils with disabilities have special educational needs and not all pupils with SEN meet the definition of disability. Our systems and procedures are designed to enable all children to be included in all we do, so the children in our Language Base classes and pupils with SEND are therefore included fully in the life of the school.
The Local Offer: All local authorities in England must provide an information directory, called the Local Offer. This includes information about the education, health and social care services in the local area which are provided for children, young people and families who have SEN or disabilities. In Worcestershire this Local Offer is a website which pulls in information about relevant organisations, services, schools and settings.
Ordinarily Available – The Local Offer in Worcestershire Schools
Ordinarily Available - The Local Offer for Birmingham
The Local Offer covers: support available to all children and young people with SEN or disability from universal services such as early years settings, schools and colleges; targeted services for children and young people with SEN or disability who require additional short term support over and above that provided routinely as part of universal services; specialist services for children and young people with SEN or disability.
Admission arrangements for pupils with disabilities
Children are admitted to Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery according to our Admissions Policy. The admission of pupils with disabilities is the same as those applied to pupils without disabilities. The school complies fully with the Equality Act 2010 and the School Admissions Code 2012 in relation to the arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils. Where the school is oversubscribed all children are admitted in accordance with the published oversubscription criteria. Where a child is disabled the school will make reasonable adjustments and provide auxiliary aids or services to ensure that no disabled child is placed at a substantial disadvantage compared to other pupils.
Parents of children with disabilities are advised to speak to us prior to admission to discuss any reasonable adjustments required so we can plan accordingly.
The SENDIASS team would like to make you aware of their free service, please see the leaflets below they provide support for children and young people with special needs. If you would like further information you can contact them on 01905 768153 or web page
SENDIASS Worcestershire aims to represent the needs, views and opinions of parents or carers and children and young people to ensure their voice is heard.
SEN Support Services: This number can be used by both the general public and professionals who are looking for information on the following: Getting a child or young person assessed for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) Getting a Statement or LDA transferred to an EHCP Getting an EHCP updated or changed Queries about SEN related funding Telephone: 01905 845579