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- Safeguarding
At Lickey Hills Primary School & Nursery, we believe that it is always unacceptable for a child to experience abuse of any kind. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children.
We will provide staff and volunteers with guidance to follow when they suspect a child may be experiencing abuse or at risk of harm. We will work cooperatively with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with parents/carers first – unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead for child protection is Mr David Dathan (Head Teacher)
The Deputy Designated Person for child protection is Mrs H. Williams (Deputy Head Teacher)
Additional Designated Person for child protection is Miss Z. Lynch (Pastoral Learning Mentor and The Hive manager)
The Governor with responsibility for child protection is Mrs Louise Beasley
Safeguarding Child Protection
Safeguarding Child Protection Policy 2023/2024Safeguarding and child protection policies and procedures are an important part of protecting children and young people. They must be supported by good governance, health and safety, financial management, staff supervision and management. Our Safeguarding policy statement makes it clear what LHPSN will do to keep children safe. The policy explains the steps that we will take to keep children and young people safe and what to do when there are concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing.
Looked after Children
Looked after children policy 2023/2025The governing body of Lickey Hills Primary School & Nursery is committed to providing quality education for all its pupils, based on equality of opportunity, access and outcomes. This governing body recognises that, nationally, there is considerable educational underachievement of children in residential and foster care, when compared with their peers, and is dedicated to implementing the principles and practice of the above statutory guidance
Online Safety
Online safety policy (e safety) 2023/2024Online safety encompasses Internet technologies and electronic communications such as mobile phones and wireless technology. It highlights the need to educate children and young people about the benefits and risks of using new technology, and provides safeguards and awareness for users to enable them to control their online experiences.
Child on Child Abuse
Child on Child Abuse Policy 2023/2024It is essential that all our staff understand the importance of challenging inappropriate behaviours between peers that are actually abusive in nature. Downplaying certain behaviours, for example dismissing sexual harassment as “just banter”, “just having a laugh”, “part of growing up” or “boys being boys” can lead to a culture of unacceptable behaviours, an unsafe environment for children and in worst case scenarios a culture that normalises abuse leading to children accepting it as normal and not coming forward to report it. (KCSIE 2021) Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery staff who work with children are advised to maintain an attitude of ‘it could happen here’ where safeguarding is concerned. When concerned about the welfare of a child, staff should always act in the best interests of the child.
PSHE Policy 2023/2024Personal, social, health education including relationship and health education 2021/22. To ensure progression and a curriculum that builds upon learning from previous years, we use Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE, as our chosen teaching and learning program and tailor it to our children’s needs. In planning the lessons, Jigsaw PSHE ensures that learning from previous years is revisited and extended, adding new concepts, knowledge and skills, year on year as appropriate.
Intimate Care
Intimate Care Policy 2023 /2024Intimate care is any care which involves washing, touching or carrying out an invasive procedure (such as cleaning up a child after soiling) to intimate personal areas. In most cases such care will involve cleaning for hygiene purposes, as part of a staff member’s duty of care. In the case of a specific procedure only a person suitably trained and assessed as competent should undertake the procedure. The issue of intimate care is a sensitive one and requires staff to be respectful of the child and their needs. There will always be a high awareness of child protection issues. Staff behaviour will always be open to scrutiny and staff must work in partnership with parents/carers to provide continuity of care to children/young people wherever possible.
Prevent Policy 2023 – 2024The threat to the UK from international terrorism is substantial. In line with guidance from the Department for Education (DfE), LHPSN has a zero tolerance acceptance of extremist behaviour and ensures that our care, guidance and curriculum empowers young people to reject violent or extremist behaviour. Whilst it remains very rare for school age children to become involved in extremist activity, young people can be exposed to extremist influences or prejudiced views, including via the internet, from an early age. Early intervention is a preferable way of tackling extremism.