Month: January 2020

LB 1: Our creation of a new Zog classmate – cookery style!

Linking our Art, imagination and cookery skills, LB 1 created new classmates for Zog (a text by Julia Donaldson) by designing a gingerbread man.

This incorporated a multitude of skills as they chose the colour, considered the features they needed and used their fine motor skills to delicately cut out the nose, eyes, spikes, tail, claws and lots more different features.


Our final characters – 


Jack and the Beanstalk Week!

Last week the children came in to find a castle and beanstalk had appeared over the weekend and we read the story of Jack, the beanstalk and the giant. We found Giant footprints and measured them with the maths cubes, counting them to find out how big they are! None of us had feet quite that big! We tried to build our own beanstalk as tall as the castle in the clouds, designed our own Giants using the popoids, dressed up for our castle banquet and wrote “wanted” posters for the giant to put around the nursery! The children enjoyed looking after the magic hen and counted how many magic beans we had in the nursery! There were quite a few! Looking forward to more traditional tales fun this week!

Chinese New Year

As part of our Chinese New Year celebrations we made persuasive posters to come to a festival and parade. Look out for the lion dances, warding off evil spirits!

Cooking our own Gingerbread!

Last thursday, to finish off our week of the gingerbread man story, the children thoroughly enjoyed mixing and rolling and cutting out their own gingerbread men to decorate and take home! We had a little sneaky taste and they were delicious! 

The Gingerbread Man!

This week the children have been really engrossed in activities around our book of the week which is The Gingerbread Man! We have been busy using ginger cloud dough, re-enacting the story using small world characters, gingerbread man dot to dot using bingo dabblers, building a house for the gingerbread man and friends using waffle bricks, role play using character masks, re-telling the story using story stones and sorting the gingerbread man’s shape buttons!

New Bikes!

At the slightest inkling that the rain has stopped, we are back out in the playground and this week, the children have enjoyed using some new equipment! We love these exciting new bikes and the children are learning quickly how to use them!

Coffee Shop!

Since returning to nursery after the Christmas break, the children have enjoyed making an array of hot drinks in our winter coffee shop! Order your hot chocolate at the window and choose from the delicious selection of cakes to complement your drink! Pay with real pennies and you can even take away or eat in to  carry on working on your laptop!

Write Dance!

Last week the nursery class took part in their first Write Dance session. A beautiful collaboration of music, song and mark marking! The children listened to a piece of music, created actions and transferred their movements into marks on paper with an exciting outcome!

A Christmas visit!

On this chilly January day, a little Christmas memory of when the big guy in red came to visit! The children really enjoyed meeting Santa and his visit definitely brought a little bit of magic to the nursery!

The start of a new term!

Welcome back to Reception for the start of another fabulous term! We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a happy start to the new year! In Reception with a new term, has come new outdoor equipment and the children have been loving testing it all out this week! We have got a new range of bikes, trikes and scooters and they’ve given us all a huge lot of fun!