Izzy and Erica Home Learning



Look 3HC!  Erica and Izzy  have shared some arty photos of their Home Learning .  What wonderful and colourful art pieces you have created.

Izzy and Erica have made  shoebox rainforests including their very own waterfalls. Coming from someone who has been to a rainforest that is very accurate; there are a lot of waterfalls. Yes…lots of rain! Also,they have enjoyed daily walks  with  family collecting suitable sticks and rocks. Painting, sewing, glue guns, hamabeads, and paper folding have all been practiced. Also, they enjoyed the pavement art from Mrs Bowen which  came out brilliantly.

I’m so happy to see that you are not only learning, but having great fun whilst enjoying quality time with your family.

Hopefully I will see you soon!

P.S if anyone else from 3HC wishes to share their work from home, please do.