Relationships and Sex Education Curriculum


Your child’s class teacher will be able to answer any questions about your child’s Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) learning. You can also speak to our RSE Leader at LHPSN, Mrs Williams.

What does the DfE say about Relationships and Sex education in primary schools? 

RSE is a subject that’s now statutory in all primary schools, alongside Health Education. Schools are also advised to provide relevant, appropriate sex education as part of their whole school PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) curriculum.

Click the following link to read the Department for Education document: 

Department for Education RSE Statutory Guidance

Click the following link to read the RSE expectation for primary pupils:

RSE Expectations for Primary Pupils

Each year we seek the views of all our parents and carers, to gain their ideas and opinions about the RSE curriculum we deliver. These opportunities create some incredibly useful discussions and ideas and staff are very grateful to our parents and carers who give up their time to share in our curriculum development, to ensure it meets the needs of our context at LHPSN.

How do we teach RSE at LHPSN? 

Teachers will be following our PSHE/C scheme (Jigsaw – detailed by clicking here) planning which helpfully provides the content and lesson plans. These plans are linked to the DFE expectations and the statutory changes to PSHE/C and RSE lessons (Relationships and sex  Education). They are part of the National Curriculum Specific and focused RSE lessons are offered to children in Years 4, 5 and 6. Parents/Carers have the option of withdrawing their child from these sessions. Any children not taking part will have a separate PSHE lesson elsewhere in the school.

RSE in Year Four 

Boys and girls will have separate lessons in which they will learn about the changes their bodies will start to go through and their changing emotions. They will learn about the internal and external parts of male and female bodies that are necessary for making a baby, and about sexual intercourse. There is an ‘anonymous questions’ box available throughout the weeks of these lessons for the children to ask any questions they have about these themes. These will be addressed sensitively by the class teachers.

RSE in Year Five 

Year 5 take part in a series of lessons around the topic of puberty and health related issues. Boys and girls will continue to have separate lessons in which they will learn more about the changes their bodies will start to go through and their changing emotions. They will then further their learning about sexual intercourse and how babies are made. As for Year Four there will be an ‘anonymous questions’ box available throughout the weeks of these lessons for the children to ask any questions they have about these themes. These will be addressed sensitively by the class teachers.

RSE in Year Six 

Pupils in Year Six are offered a series of lessons on the topic of puberty and health related issues. Across Year Six the boys and girls will continue to have separate sessions in which they will continue to learn about the changes their bodies will go through, their changing emotions and the importance of looking after themselves physically and emotionally . They will then further develop their understanding around the topic of sex and how babies are made and develop throughout pregnancy . As with the other year groups, there will be an ‘anonymous questions’ box available throughout the weeks of these lessons for the children to ask any questions they have but would rather not ask themselves. These will be addressed sensitively by the class teachers, following the guidance we have. 

The PowerPoint that was shared with the parent focus group during our initial consultation in 2020 can be found by using the following link:

 RSE presentation to parents for consultation