Month: September 2018

Open Evening for New Nursery and Reception Families

Open Evening for New Nursery and Reception Families will be on Monday 15th October from 6.30 – 7.30pm. We look forward to welcoming new and familiar families to our EYFS building to see our welcoming setting and meet our friendly and knowledgeable staff.

Home Learning

Home Learning Journals Introductory task 07.09.18

First Week Back

Wow what a busy first week Year 1 have had!

We have enjoyed reading The Shopping Basket by John Burningham and acting out the story. We have made food for the basket and labels for items in the shop. Mrs Garvey and Miss Holmes were very impressed with our sentences we wrote about the story.

In Maths we have counted forwards and backwards and ordered numbers We have enjoyed using our Maths No Problem books.

PTA AGM – Tuesday 18th September from 6.30pm

Hello and welcome from Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery PTA.

Welcome back to this new school year and welcome to all of the new
parents/carers and children joining the school. We would like to say another big thank you for your continued support for the PTA and we look forward to more great events and another successful year of fundraising.

The PTA have raised over £12000 over the last 3 years and this has helped to purchase extra equipment that enriches the educational experience of the children at Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery. Items purchased include; digital cameras, science equipment, art supplies, display boards, audio equipment, bug rugs, design technology aprons, and most recently an amazing £6500 for computers.

Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 18th September from 6.30pm. This will take place in the bungalow on the school drive. All welcome.

Corrina Barros D’Sa and Caroline Brunn will be stepping down from the roles of Chair and Vice-Chair so if you would like to take on one of these roles please come along to the meeting, where the PTA committee will be elected. If you would like more information regarding these posts please email

Amazing Adjectives!

Just how many different adjectives can you think of to describe a noun? This was our challenge in literacy this morning.  We played a listening game where we passed around an object and then had to think of a word, words or even a phrase to describe the object. It was a challenge to think of a different word if someone said the word we were thinking of!  For our VCOP board, our class task was to describe the skull of an animal. We had words like delicate and breakable which are super! Our words and phrases are now around the skull on the VCOP board.  Well done everyone!

2D shapes game

This morning we have been recalling what we know about 2D shapes and their ‘properties’.  Can your child tell you what we mean by ‘properties’ of a shape?

One game we played was to get the class to give clues to the person on the hot-seat who had to guess which shape was hidden behind their back. This was good fun as we had to really think of good clues but remember not to give too much information too soon.  The children on the hot-seat did a really good job of visualising the shape being described.

We have had a lovely first week back!

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Welcome back!

Mrs Jones, Mrs Bird and Mrs Matthews are all very proud and pleased with the way LB2 children have started the new term.  Everyone is very focused and grown up with a fantastic attitude to their learning and all have settled into their new routines with ease.  Well done children!

Keep an eye out for the new Home Learning books that will be sent home today. The task is to decorate their book (please see the inserted sheet inside the new Home Learning book for ideas).

Reaching For The Stars

5AB launched their Autumn ‘Space’ theme with a bang by launching water-powered rockets. More importantly, they made parachutes to help them return safely to Earth as we explored the effects of air resistance.

It turns out, trying to photograph a flying rocket is harder than it looks…