Month: September 2018


Literacy LEAP Bronze Award for LHPSN staff! 

The award is based on the Special Educational Needs and Disability  Code of Practice and places emphasis on the practice of ALL teachers in ALL classes across the school. It celebrates best practice in identifying and supporting children who may be at risk of dyslexia, and other speech and language difficulties, and helping them to achieve their potential.

The criteria for the award was developed by  a national steering committee made up of teachers, local authority advisers and parents/grandparents of children with speech and language difficulties.

Led enthusiastically by Miss Hateley, our Assistant SENDCO ,language base teacher and dyslexia tutor, we have been able to raise levels of knowledge and awareness across the whole school, from the Governors and senior leaders to teaching and support staff. We hold the award until 2021 and are already preparing staff for the Silver accreditation. 

Using our Ten Frames

This week we are learning about comparing numbers.

Today we used our ten frames to compare objects and say which has more and which has less. 

Year 3 Yoga

3HC and LB children have really enjoyed yoga already and it has helped them mentally adapt to the great transition from year 2 to year 3. Also, it is helping them enhance their flexibility,  strength and coordination.

Lights, cameras, action!

Year 3 have been investigating how photography works by building pinhole cameras. We soon found out that the image was upside down! We went out to view the school through our cameras and then we watched some light sensitive paper change colour to record an image.

Home Learning

This week’s Home Learning has been sent home today (Fri 14th). Please send in completed Home Learning anytime next week  – the first 5 completed and returned will get a sticker.

The final date for return is Wednesday 26th September.

Also, please sign and return the ‘E-Safety’ form and return to school asap.

Thank you.

Primary colours

We were finding out how to make secondary colours from the three primary colours for an artist’s colour wheel. If you mix blue and red you make purple. If you mix blue and yellow you make green and if you mix red and yellow you make orange.


Hello, welcome to our new webpage for Year 4 2018-19! We have already had an AMAZING start to Year 4, all our children have settled in brilliantly and we have really enjoyed getting to know our new classes and meeting many parents and carers. We feel very lucky to be once again working with such inspiring and hard-working children here at LHPSN.


We have had a fantastic start to exploring our fascinating new theme, The Romans, including using this as inspiration for writing about a Roman battle. Our current school value is Empathy, which children have already shown a strong understanding of through our PSHCE lessons.


All Home Learning and Spellings will be displayed on our class web pages – if you require a paper copy of either, please just ask. Please encourage your child to complete all Home Learning tasks and learn their Spellings to support their learning in the classroom. Both the weekly spelling test and times table club will be on Fridays this year. Reading books will also be coming home on a Friday.


Year 4 are lucky enough to participate in the FAME music programme. The children will this year be learning the flute and ukulele. Children will soon begin to bring their instruments home to practice with, please ensure children have their instrument back in school every Wednesday for their music lesson. A FAME concert will be held later this year, we will give details nearer the time.


PE lessons will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure that PE kits are in school at all times during term time, this has been brilliant so far so thank you!


Year 4 is also the year in which we work our way towards a very exciting Pen License awarded for neat handwriting, so please feel free to do extra practice of this at home!


We always welcome parents’ input into our work in school so if you have any resources at home or you have an interest in the subjects we are covering, then do please let us know.


As always please feel free to contact us if you have any queries or concerns, we will be more than happy to help to ensure the whole of Year 4 feels safe and happy. We are both looking forward to an exciting year in Team 4, thank you to all parents and carers for your support already this year.


Mrs Ray and Miss Hahlo.

Vishnu and the Hindu Deities.

In RE we were finding out about the many different Hindu Deities (Gods and Goddessess). To help us with our understanding and empathy we did some freeze frames of a few of the Gods. 

First week

What a fabulous first week we have all had in Reception this week. It has been lovely meeting everyone again and beginning to get to know each other. The children have been amazing with so many new faces to meet and new routines and rules to learn and are settling beautifully. Well done everyone!

First day in Nursery

The children had a fantastic first day in nursery. They enjoyed exploring the different areas and making new friends. It was lovely to see lots of smiling faces and we are looking forward to the week ahead.