Category: Year 6

World Book Day

We had a brilliant day for World Book Day. What a superb effort everyone made with their costumes!



Superb Science Book Ideas

This month at Lickey, we are lucky enough to have two exciting theme days – Reading and Science. Here are some excellent book ideas to engage your child in both of these exciting subjects.


Human Body Odyssey

In this book, Astro Cat adventures into the Human Body. On each page he explains how a different bodily system works.

by: Dr Dominic Wallman and Ben Newman


Wild World

Wild World uses poetry to describe habitats that children might find exotic.

by: Angela McAllister


Destination: Planet Earth

This book will tell you all about Earth Science – perfect for our topics on volcanoes and the active planet!

by: Jo Nelson and Tom Clohosy Cole.


Outdoor Maker Lab

A book filled with lots of experiments to complete with household items. Perfect for any budding chemist.

by: Robert Winston


How Science Works

For Year 6+, this book explains how many different aspects of Science work for the older reader and adults.

We hope you enjoy these suggestions.


Turbine Power

As part of their electricity in science topic, Year 6 looked at alternative ways of generating power. We then designed and made wind turbines and put them them to the test by using them to winch up increasing loads. We came up with a variety of solutions and whilst some span faster they were not as powerful when it came to doing work.


Shakespeare’s mix-up mash-up

Well done 6MT for a fantastic class assembly!!! image

Electrifying Year 6

This term Year 6 are exploring electricity. We’ve started recapping circuits, including identifying what is wrong in some “dodgy circuits”, before starting to use formal symbols for circuit diagrams.


What a brilliant day we have all had today! Mark from the Play in a Day company came to Lickey and helped us  perform a play in a day!! By working together collaboratively we successfully put on the show ‘Macbeth’ for our family and friends. Thank you to everyone that came to support and watch us. IMG_2301 IMG_2307 IMG_2322 IMG_2328 IMG_2335 IMG_2340 IMG_2356 IMG_2370 IMG_2398 IMG_2399

Number Sandwiches!

In Year 6, we tackled a tricky ‘Number Sandwiches’ investigation! 

We started on Number Sandwich 3, in which we had to arrange the numbers 1 – 3 in number sandwiches. The numbers had to have an amount of numbers between them that were equal to their value. For example, in between two 1’s there had to be one number and in between two 2’s there had to be two numbers!IMG_4697

We found that the solution for Number Sandwich 3 was 312132.

After much perseverance, we discovered that Number Sandwiches 5 and 6 were impossible!

However, Number Sandwiches 4 and 7 can be done – can you find the solution?

If you can, please bring it in to show Mr Witcomb!

We love PGL!

We had the most amazing week at PGL! Last Friday, we all got together as a year group to share our favourite parts. Here are a few of our highlights!

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All aboard!

In theme we have been learning about Captain James Cook’s ship! Take a look … image


In Literacy year 6 have been writing difference sentences with different types of clauses. Can you spot the different ways you can create subordinating sentences?
