Category: Year 5

Visit From Oli (2)

In year 5 Oli has been visiting us this is his second time visiting us and it was extremeley fun!

Visit From Oli!

Last Friday our friend Oli visited us! it was so fun, he even bought us ice lollies!!!!!

Beautiful Back Wall

In year five we have done market place and made a beautiful back wall to do that went round the classroom and did AANVA, Similes, Personification, Oxymorons and Alliteration and decorated with beatiful pictures.

Amazing Amazon Animal collages

Today, year 5 have been making amazing Amazon Animal collages!!!

Amazon shoe boxes

Today , year 5 have been making Amazon shoe boxes using moss and leaves. 

Spectacular Sport Relief

In year five, and the whole school, have dressed up for sport relief. through the week we have mile-a-day and a dance-athon on friday.

Nature Walk

Today, in year 5 we went on a nature walk on the field. We collected stuff for our amazon rainforest biomes.

Perfect Poems

In year five we made some poems. We really enjoyed it!

Albert Haldmann Poster

Today, we made a poster about Albert Haldmann. We researched facts about him to make beatiful posters.

Albert Haldemann

Today, Year 5 have facetimed an scientist who used to work for NASA but now works for the European Space Agency !!!