Category: Year 1

Summer t-shirts

We had an artistic afternoon creating summer t-shirts with special fabric pens. We were super sensible with them and made some lovely designs- we can’t wait to wear them and protect ourselves in the sun! 

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Prayer Spaces

We all had a lovely, calm time with Emma and others from Lickey Church  today. We sat in small teams playing games encouraging us to think about who we are thankful for and why it’s important to say sorry. We learnt some ways to say a prayer if we ever wanted to.  IMG_0754[1] IMG_0756[1] IMG_0757[1] IMG_0758[1] IMG_0762[1] IMG_0766[1] IMG_0767[1] IMG_0774[1] IMG_0776[1]

Pizza maths!

What a fun morning!! We have made our own pretend pizzas with 4 different types of toppings. We cut our pizza up into halves and quarters and chose a different topping for each quarter. We are bringing them home in pizza boxes tonight so you can test us on halves and quarters! 



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Sun Safety

This afternoon we learnt how important it is to stay safe in the sun. We talked about the right spf suncream to wear, what clothes to wear and how important shade is in the middle of the day. In Art we had a go at making a sun using our hands as sun rays!


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Our super class assembly!

Well done 1AP for your super class assembly this morning all about superheroes! We spread the message that we can all be heroes and we don’t need superpowers like Superman or Wonder Woman!

Well done 1AP, I am very proud of you all! 

Home learning board games

We loved playing our maths board games in Golden Time today! 

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Home Learning

Wow!! What amazing home learning this week, well done Year 1! We loved reading each others superhero stories, exploring our superhero world maps and can’t wait to play the board games in Golden Time this afternoon!

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Sorting coins

In Maths today we had a go at sorting coins from 1p to £5. We looked at ordering them and using different coins to make an amount. Later in the week we will have some money to spend in our role play area and work out what change is needed. 


International Day

Wow what a fun day we are having! Our corridor has turned into a street in Spain where we have been visiting different classrooms exploring different Spanish traditions. We have made our own salsa and eaten it with nachos, we have learnt some Spanish songs and sung these with castanets and made some Spanish art work. We are excited to show our parents in the assembly this afternoon!  

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Alien Snakes and Ladders

In reading today we practiced reading alien words using snakes and ladders. In pairs we each took it in turns to roll the dice and read the word we landed on. Test us reading alien words using at home! 

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