Category: KS2 Language Base

Guess the character

We each took it in turns to sit on the HOT SEAT and wear the character hat while everyone else in the class had to give a clue as to who was on the character card. We could give clues about physical attributes or personality but not give the name away! The tricky ones were Wally, Lord Voldemort and the pickle from the Hungry Caterpillar – how would you describe them?IMG_1390

Horizontal or vertical?

Our introduction to co-ordinates got us trying it for real! Bit of a squash  but we could demonstrate what each word meant.IMG_1391 IMG_1392

Skara Brae dresser decoration

We  have been finding out about the community of people who lived on the settlement of Skara Brae almost 3,000 years ago. It is an example of Europe’s most complete Neolithic village. We found out that they liked to show off their most prized possessions and objects andIMG_1348 displayed them on a stone dresser!  We designed a piece of bone jewellery or pottery and then painted it on a stone to display on our very own classroom dresser.


Concentration and working hard looks like this!

We are coming to the end of our current Non-Fiction texts literacy topic. This morning we were writing our final piece for our Brilliant Inventions class book. IMG_1346

Sharing equally

We are applying our knowledge of half and quarter to quantities of objects.
