Category: KS2 Language Base

2D shapes game

This morning we have been recalling what we know about 2D shapes and their ‘properties’.  Can your child tell you what we mean by ‘properties’ of a shape?

One game we played was to get the class to give clues to the person on the hot-seat who had to guess which shape was hidden behind their back. This was good fun as we had to really think of good clues but remember not to give too much information too soon.  The children on the hot-seat did a really good job of visualising the shape being described.

Welcome back!

Mrs Jones, Mrs Bird and Mrs Matthews are all very proud and pleased with the way LB2 children have started the new term.  Everyone is very focused and grown up with a fantastic attitude to their learning and all have settled into their new routines with ease.  Well done children!

Keep an eye out for the new Home Learning books that will be sent home today. The task is to decorate their book (please see the inserted sheet inside the new Home Learning book for ideas).

A time for maths?

In maths we were estimating and timing  how long it took  us to do different  activities. such as sharpening a pencil, doing 12 star jumps or taking our shoes and putting them on again. Some of our estimations were close but some were a long way off! It was challenging but fun!

When is LATER?

In maths we were doing one hour later and we drew pictures of  what we would be doing later in the day.  Later is what you might do in the evening or the next day, for example if it’s twelve o’clock and you add an hour on it would be one o’clock.  Some of us were working out when TV programmes finished from their start times.

Plant Invasion!

Strange yellow containers of a brown, powdery material have been appearing on window sills throughout the school. It can only mean one thing… summer is finally here and everyone has started growing seeds! In Years 1 and 2, along with Language Base 1, the children have planted marigolds while LB1 have also planted sunflowers along with Language Base 2 and Year 3. We hope to plant these outside later in the year and we chose both flowers as they are beneficial to wildlife, providing nectar for butterflies and bees and a source of seeds for birds in the autumn.

Running to Moscow.

As part of our run up (no pun intended!) to Sport Relief, here we are after 12 or more circuits of the junior playground feeling vitalised and refreshed!

Science Festival!

In 3LE we made a volcano picture – we used charcoal, paint and a pencil. Year 4 children joined their mainstream class and investigated  moon craters. We had to drop a marble in the sand and describe the shape of the crater.  In Year 5 we made a holiday advert for the planet Mars and Year 6 looked at the contribution to science by Professor Stephen Hawking – a tribute to a great scientist.

We  all felt happy and excited about our Science day!

Balanced Diets

Language Base 2 have been looking at keeping healthy including the importance of balanced diets. We designed meals with a mix of fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, protein, dairy and not too much fats and sugar. We then made 3D models of our meals.

How to wash an item of laundry or do the dishes.

Our instructional text theme has us washing things for real! Mrs Jones made her group do the dishes and Mrs Bird’s group had to wash a pair of (clean) socks! There’s no excuse now as to why the children can’t lend a hand at home – they were brilliant today. Tomorrow, we will be writing out the instructions in clear ‘how to’ sentences.

Graph paper programming.



We were learning about how to go right, left, down, up and colour squares. We worked in pairs and pretended one was a robot and the  other was a programmer.  Then we gave different instructions  for the robot to follow. It was tricky because we didn’t know if we were doing it properly but we helped each other to work it out.