Month: January 2019

Low Tide Discoveries

This term in science, Year 2 are joining Charles Darwin as he voyages around the world on the HMS Beagle exploring different habitats.

We’ve already found out about some of the plants and animals that live in the rainforest but this week we’ve been exploring rock pools on the Cape Verde islands. We looked at crabs, limpets and anemones before finding out about Darwin’s experience with a cuttlefish. We then practiced our classifying skills by sorting and grouping shells by looking closely for similarities and differences.

Minpins and giant people!

Today, the children in LB2 finally finished their Minpin houses. They all look awesome. Everyone’s house was different with individual features.

LB1 came to visit our gallery and peeked inside the houses. We all wanted to be either giants and peek inside the postage stamp sized windows or tiny people and live in the houses!

Stone Age Shelters

Year 3 have started off their Stone Age to Iron Age topic fantastically with their brilliant theme Home Learning. In school we have been learning about the types of shelters that Stone Age people would have lived in, and the materials that they would have been able to use. The children have then made their own models of these shelters, and they look very realistic! Well done Year 3! 

Testing Temperature

Reception had fun this afternoon after discussing what would happen to The Snowman if we wrapped him up in a hat, coat and gloves. We found out how to use a data logger to measure the temperature of cold and hot water and then investigated what happened if the container was wrapped up in a “coat”. We were very surprised to find that the containers wearing a coat didn’t get hotter. Instead, it was the cold water that didn’t have a coat that got warmer while the hot water without a coat got colder! 

School of Rock(s)

This month, Year 3 have been exploring rocks. We’ve been finding out about how different rocks are made, including the rocks that make up the Lickey Hills and the nearby Malvern Hills. We also sorted out lots of rocks from the softest to hardest before using our findings to suggest suitable rocks to make a skate ramp with.

Minpins and mini houses

Home Learning 25 Jan – 6 Feb


We are using the text ‘The Minpins’ by Roald Dahl as our topic in literacy.  As part of this topic, we are making Minpin houses. We drew out our plan and today we started to make the furniture. 

Winter Walk

We have been on a walk to spot the signs of winter, the children saw ice and frost in the nature garden. They  also spotted some robins along the way, we showed care and concern for the birds by making some hanging bird feeders.

2D shapes to 3D shapes

We learned how to use perspective to make 2D shapes look as if they are 3D.   We used 5 different 2D shapes with corners and then drew around them. Then we used ruler skills to draw straight lines from each corner to a dot in the middle of the page.  We pressed down quite hard with a coloured pencil to add a deep colour to the  face of the shape then used lighter pressure to shade the other parts of the shape. 

Ofsted: This school continues to be good

Ofsted: This school continues to be good 
This is the second Ofsted inspection in my role as Headteacher of LHPSN and I am delighted to share the latest report with you. It reflects the wonderful ethos, achievements and successes of the whole school community. Thank you everyone for your united efforts to ensure our children can dream, believe and achieve their very best. Here are some highlights from LHPSN’s Ofsted report (December 2018) which recognises and celebrates:

‘a carefully nurtured a staff who give high priority to developing pupils’ well-being and happiness as well as their academic success.’

Pupils who ‘clearly enjoy teachers’ carefully planned lessons which inspire pupils’ interest and imagination.’

‘Teaching assistants (who) are skilled in providing,substantial,well informed support for pupils.’

‘Pastoral staff (who) know individual families well and provide considerable support for both the adults and pupils involved.’ 

‘a united team of staff, pupils and governors who exemplify your current school values.’

‘All staff and governors convey a strong commitment to pupils’ safety and well-being.’

‘…..pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) achieve well.’

‘Pupils in the resource base ….follow carefully designed learning sessions and go on to make good progress…’

The full report can be found on the school website and in your Parentmail email inbox. 

A Super Start to the New Year and New Term

What a super start to 2019 and the new term we have had. Everyone was delighted to re-join their friends and we began to settle back quickly into our school routines. Due to the Christmas break we still await our Ofsted report but will share it with you as soon as we are able to. Thank you to everyone who took the time to contribute to the Parent View questionnaire as well as the Governor questionnaire. We will share the outcomes and actions arising from them once governors have agreed them.