Month: December 2018

Christmas card competition

We are very pleased to announce that we have won the Parish council Christmas card competition. The children worked together to create a card to represent the title ‘lighting up the village’.  They are very happy with their present from Father Christmas

A big thank you to the parish council from all your friends in nursery!

Songs Around the Christmas Tree

Nursery really enjoyed the Christmas production and they were all amazing at singing and dancing. Thank you to everyone who came to watch, we hope you loved it as much as we did! Merry Christmas everyone!  

Armageddon in Y5?

As part of their space topic, Year 5 have been exploring  how craters are formed by meteors. We discussed all the things that might affect the size of a crater, such as size and weight of meteor, the speed it is travelling, the angle it hits the surface at and the surface conditions. Then in groups we each chose and devised our own investigation using a dusty “flour” planet.


Songs Around the Christmas Tree

What a wonderful Christmas production! Thank you to everyone who supported our ‘Songs around the Christmas Tree’ performance. The children were amazing with their beautiful singing and dancing. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Sharing and teamwork in 2AH

We had fun putting together jigsaws in PSHE today! However, half way through some of us noticed we were missing a part and another group had it! We were so good at using kind words asking the other groups if we could have our piece back. Amazing teamwork as usual 2AH!

Tasty Toast

Year 1 have been exploring changes that we can reverse, such as melting chocolate, and changes that we are stuck with – in this case turning bread into delicious toast. We knew that the change would result in crunchy, golden brown yumminess but, having first drawn around our slices of bread, we were surprised to find it had also shrunk!

The main conclusion was that we love any experiment that we get to eat.


Magnetic Metals?

Year 3 have started looking at magnetic force. We were pretty confident at predicting which objects would stick to a magnet but we were a little surprised that a 2p coin didn’t. This lead us to wonder whether some metals are not magnetic. We repeated our testing with samples of different metals. Iron and steel were magnetic but others, such as copper, zinc, aluminium and bronze, were not. 

However, it turned out that some 2p coins are magnetic. Looking at the dates on the coins we realised that the coins are now made of a different metal.

Sharing special celebrations

The children have enjoyed sharing artifacts and photos from special times with their family. They have also been busy decorating the tree, ready for Christmas celebrations. We are all feeling very festive now!

Strength Testing

Year 2 have continued their material testing investigations by looking at strength testing. We watched a video of a steel bar being tested (it’s called tensile testing) and talked about why testing is important to ensure buildings, structures and forms of transport are safe. We then conducted our own tests by finding out which is the strongest type of paper in the school. Tissue paper broke very easily but thin cardboard could withstand a whole kilogram.