Month: October 2018

Family Fun Friday

We enjoyed having our special grown ups into share our time at school with us. We enjoyed showing them our classrooms and the types of activities we get up to each day.

Year 3’s Trip- Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery

Beat vs rhythm

Can you explain the difference between a beat and a rhythm?  In music, our year 3 children are learning the difference. Today, we learned a poem to help us remember:

The beat stays the same,

The beat stays the same,

But the rhythm, fits in with the words.’

Say this rhyme whilst keeping a steady beat – either clap hands, pat thighs or stamp feet. When you get to the rhythm, you have to clap/pat/stamp in time with the words.

The mystery of the old, large keys…

Some old and rather large keys appeared in our classroom this morning… Mrs Jones set us the task of asking questions about them using What?, Where? , Who?, When?, Why? and How?

Tomorrow we will be using our imagination to take us through the door that each key opens…and we wonder where that will be and what it’ll be like on the other side of the door!

Positional language

We’ve been applying what we’ve learned about right angles to turns in a circle. Here we are using compass points, clockwise and anti-clockwise  to tell each other which way to turn.         

Investigating Circuits

Year 6 have been investigating circuits, looking at different ways to connect lights up. We found that if we connected the lights in a line (a series circuit) they get dimmer and we discovered that the voltage is shared between the lights. However, the lights will stay bright if we connected them in parallel to each other.