Month: March 2018

Science Festival Fun

We had a great time learning all about space. We enjoyed travelling to the moon, making rockets and investigating sending our astronauts into orbit.

Albert Haldmann Poster

Today, we made a poster about Albert Haldmann. We researched facts about him to make beatiful posters.

Science Festival!

In 3LE we made a volcano picture – we used charcoal, paint and a pencil. Year 4 children joined their mainstream class and investigated  moon craters. We had to drop a marble in the sand and describe the shape of the crater.  In Year 5 we made a holiday advert for the planet Mars and Year 6 looked at the contribution to science by Professor Stephen Hawking – a tribute to a great scientist.

We  all felt happy and excited about our Science day!

Albert Haldemann

Today, Year 5 have facetimed an scientist who used to work for NASA but now works for the European Space Agency !!!

School Science Day

Today, year 5 have been going on the field to look for planets it was called the walk to Neptune. It was really fun!

Year One Make Rockets!

Here are just a few of our wonderful rocket creations.


Science Festival

Year 2 are having such a fun Science day!

We have just got back from our walk to Neptune venturing throughout our solar system visiting each planet on the way! 


Knight’s Visit

Year One had a great time when the Red Knight came to visit us on Wednesday.

We learnt all about where knights lived, the weapons they used, and the important job they did.Doc1

Balanced Diets

Language Base 2 have been looking at keeping healthy including the importance of balanced diets. We designed meals with a mix of fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, protein, dairy and not too much fats and sugar. We then made 3D models of our meals.

Let it snow…!

We have been spoilt for snow this year. We had a fabulous time playing in the snow today with plenty to dig and build with and some to throw  a snowball or two too!