Month: February 2018

Welcome to Arendelle

The children have helped us design their new role play area by printing bricks and cutting crenellations to create a castle.  They have been putting their final touches to crowns and practiced moving around as princesses and knights and even fallen asleep like Sleeping Beauty!  We are now ready if Anna and Elsa come to visit us!


A warm welcome to the parents on a cold day

What a lovely afternoon we had sharing our wintry learning experiences in a fun way with slime, play dough, glittery snowflakes and the cold weather!

Sharing equally

We are applying our knowledge of half and quarter to quantities of objects.


Which would YOU choose as the most important invention?

We have started non-fiction texts as our new literacy topic.  Here we are discussing and ranking which inventions are the most important. Which one would you choose and why? Could you give pros and cons for your choice? We couldn’t all agree so there were compromises to be made.IMG_1322