Month: February 2018

It’s snowing!

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Chinese New Year

Nursery have enjoyed finding out all about Chinese new year. We have taken orders and cooked dishes in our Chinese role play as well as cooking our own yummy creations. We had a buffet of noodle, rice, spring rolls and crackers. Mrs Morgan Lee has been teaching us to count in Cantonese to 5 and to say thank you.

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Year 3’s Egyptian Trip: Museum and Art Gallery

The children of year 3,  had a really fun day learning about the Ancient Egyptians. They explored the galleries, then they participated in a very engaging Workshop. There was lots of discussion and retrieving of information using real pieces of art. After,they designed and created their own Egyptian art pieces using real papyrus and mineral paints. In the afternoon, they came “Investigators” and found answers using the artifacts in the museum.

The children were well behaved and really enjoyed themselves, as you can see from the photos. 

Science Club

Eight excited scientists from Year 3 and 4 have had the opportunity to attend an after school science club at Waseley Hills High School this year. “It’s really good that the high school children help us,” said Lily.

So far they’ve explored acids and alkalines, used Bunsen burners to do flame tests, recreated the digestive system, learnt about the skeleton and created batteries from fruit. “We’ve learnt about lots of stuff like circuits and the digestive system,” explained Caitlin. “I loved colouring a flame with chemicals!”

They’ve grown so confident that some of them are now even explaining to everyone else how to set up electrical circuits. At this rate, they’ll be teaching the science lessons themselves!


Turbine Power

As part of their electricity in science topic, Year 6 looked at alternative ways of generating power. We then designed and made wind turbines and put them them to the test by using them to winch up increasing loads. We came up with a variety of solutions and whilst some span faster they were not as powerful when it came to doing work.


500 Words Reminder – LHPSN loves Writing

Entrants need to write an original story on any subject or theme in 500 Words or fewer. If they win, their story will be read live on the radio by a superstar celebrity…like Julie Walters, Tom Hiddleston, Sir Kenneth Branagh, Jeremy Irons, or Sherlock himself – Benedict Cumberbatch. Each year, 10 million Radio 2 listeners hear, read and love these stories. Alongside the main competition, we will also be running an internal competition at school to celebrate the entries from our children. The top 3, as judged by the staff, will receive a prize at school. However, I cannot promise celebrities like the main competition! The deadline for the entries to be submitted is the 22nd February, which is on the Thursday of half-term. Submissions must be electronic. Mr Brewer has set up a school submission account so he can submit the entries for the children in addition to them having time in half-term to produce their piece. When the writing is finished and word processed, please email the document to 

Brilliant Bakers

Year One have been making bread. This was part of our Literacy topic on instructions. We had great fun!
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Geologists at Work

We’ve been using classification keys in order to identify different types of rocks. We had to look very closely at the structure of the rock and perform simple chemical tests with acid (vinegar). We then learnt about the rocks that make up our local volcano!

Instruction for making bread

Year One children have been busy learning to write instructions. We found imperative verbs and then used them to make bread. 

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Electric Groceries

This week 4AB looked at the history of the battery, or the electric cell as we should call it, and it’s inventor, Alessandro Volta. We then investigated making our own cells from coins, zinc nails and everyday shopping items including lemons, potatoes, oranges and vinegar using a voltmeter to measure the flow of electricity. Even soil could be used to power a small LED although we’re not sure we’ll be able to power the school by connecting it to the school field.