Month: October 2016

Melting and cooling chocolate

In Science last week we predicted what would happen if we held cubes of chocolate in warm water. We made predictions and then investigated what happened. It went soft and squishy in our hands, but by the time we took it home it had set! 


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Junk Modelling

What a fun afternoon!!! We spent the afternoon constructing, connecting and fixing tubes and boxes together to make wonderful chocolate factories! We used string and sellotape and did so well to carefully think about the purpose of each box and tube! 


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Money bingo

This week in Maths we have been learning all about money. We can recognise coins 1p to £2, we can add coins up and use coins to buy things from our role play shop. Today we had a bingo mat with lots of items from a toy shop. Miss Perry put some coins on the board and if we had that amount we could buy the item on our board. 


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Lego subtraction and addition

This week and last week we have been adding and subtracting 2 and 1 digit numbers. We have done so well and can use a number line or a 100 square to help us. Today we played a subtraction and addition lego board game with a partner. We started with 5 blocks of lego each and worked our way around the board, either adding or taking away pieces, depending on the instruction. The person to finish with the most pieces won! 


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The Three Little Pigs

We have been learning about the Three Little Pigs story in Literacy. Today we read the ‘Real Story of The Three Little Pigs’ where the wolf claimed he just had a cold and sneezed the houses down by accident! We had a go at hot seating during Drama where one of us was the wolf and the other was the interviewer. We had lots of fun asking lots of interesting questions!


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9 times table fun!

Today we focused on learning and applying the 9 times table. We learnt some amazing ‘magic’ tricks that we can use to remember our 9’s, make sure children you are showing these off at home! Particularly the hand trick! We had a carousel of activities which we used to apply our learning, including Bingo, multiplication races, fortune tellers and even a 9 times table board game. We also used the iPads to play ‘hit the button’ which is a fantastic way to practice times tables….. All children proudly passed through 9 times table boot camp! 

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A Super Sporting Start!

Well done Year 3 and 4 for getting LHPSN off to a great sporting start this year. Read all about the Football team achievements on the PE page of our site. 

Family Friday

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our first Family Friday event.  The children loved showing you around the different learning zones and activities and we think the parents enjoyed it too!