Month: October 2016

Measuring Maths

Wow, the children are becoming fantastic independent learners in Reception.  This week we have compared heights and lengths and are begining to use the terms shorter, taller and longer. We can all order at least three objects according to size and have found lots of different ways to measure items.     

Wow! Amazing Home Learning!

Here are just a few examples of our excellent Home Learning! Very impressive!IMG_1629[1] IMG_1630[1] IMG_1633[1] IMG_1631[1] IMG_1635[1] IMG_1636[1] IMG_1637[1] IMG_1638[1]

We even had a yummy cake made by Toby! (Pictures to follow)

3RB Egyptian Extravaganza!

Well done to everyone in 3RB for your very informative assembly this morning,what a lot of learning you shared with us. I really enjoyed seeing how the Egyptians worked as a team work to build the pyramids and hearing about their clothing. It was lovely to see our new microphones and screen being used – thank you PTA. 



All the World’s a Stage

We’re loving reading Julius Caesar and last week we did lots of drama. By the end of the week we were even acting out short scenes straight from Shakespeare’s play although we all wanted to play Caesar.

Chocolate bar inventors!

We had a lovely afternoon in Year 1 today! We designed our own chocolate bars using pictures and labels. Then, we could go to the kitchen to melt chocolate and choose lots of yummy ingredients to go in our own chocolate bar. We could choose marshmallows, cherries, biscuits or raisins. They are setting in the fridge tonight then we can bring them home tomorrow! 


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Week Ending 7th October

We finished the week with the photographer today.  All the children looked lovely and smart and looked great when they were having their photos taken.

Thank you for the super  work the  children have done in their home learning journals. Lots of numbers to 20 and 100 .  The rockets that were made at home and brought in to class  were amazing!!  Bobby, Jaiden, Taylor and Cameron showed their rockets to the class and received a well earned certificate and sticker. 


We are continuing to investigate 3D shape and numbers in maths.   In writing we have been investigating the use of present and past tense as well as verb-subject agreement in sentences.  

Well done to Cameron  who won the reading bear244




227Well done to  Harrison  who won the listening Eeyore.




The children have worked hard all week and Jaiden was awarded the writing star as he is always keen to write  and Cameron for his work on numbers and 3D shape this week.








Well done to all our children.

I have added the phonics workshop power point presentation to the Language Base page. 

Sinister, Dexter, Sinister, Dexter…

We did some fantastic home learning including writing awesome newspaper articles, making information leaflets and lots of shields. We’re quite scary lined up although we need to practice marching a bit more!

Thanks for supporting home learning.

EYFS and KS1 Parents – How You Can Help with Early Reading Skills

Thank you to those of you who attended our ‘Phonics Workshop for Parents’ on Monday 26th September. For those of you who were not able to join us the materials are now on the year group pages for YR, Y1 and Y2.  Please have a look and see how we teach our letters and sounds and how you can help your child with their early reading skills. 

Lunch in the dinner hall. 

Look how grown up we are eating lunch with the rest of the school! 


    The Kissing Hand

This week we have enjoyed reading the story ‘The  kissing hand.’ We made raccoons, painting stripy tails on them and then recorded a ‘tail about me at nursery’ on the back of them. We enjoyed making salt dough kissing hands as a keep sake and playing a matching game from the story.