Month: January 2016

Something to Digest

To start our new science topic we’ve been looking at the human digestive system. First of all we needed a hungry volunteer… Who then “ate” the rest of the class, taking us on a journey through the human body to learn about the stomach, intestines and how enzymes break up our food.

Internal organs

Then we set about making a model of the digestive system, splitting up into groups to work on different organs…

Qui est Napoleon!

In literacy, we are learning how to write a biography of Napoleon. We are focusing on his early life up to when he was aged 24 and promoted to  Brigadier General.

Some of the boys in the class were being very resourceful and used our working wall to find lots of ideas to help them write outstanding sentences!  Well done boys!


Houses around the World

We have really enjoyed our theme work this week. We have been looking at houses around the world, which has included beach huts, igloos, tents and even tree houses! After researching different homes we made our own flood resistant houses using different materials such as foil, plasticine, wood and lego.

Fascinating Fossils 

Yesterday we learnt all about the life and work of Mary Anning. (Fossil Hunter) 

  Above are our fossils. Some cracked and some survived! We used magnet fossils to create the inprint of the fossils. The most popular fossil was the seashell. 

   Here is the life of a fossil!

Où sommes-nous?

We were very excited to be given airline tickets this afternoon – 4RF were going on a aeroplane! But where to?

Our in-flight reading provided a clue… We were off to France. We are going to learns lots about French history and geography this term. We enjoyed our flight and were really excited when we landed in Paris!