Month: January 2016

Year 1

1AP and 1MH



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas ut urna tincidunt, euismod eros sed, rhoncus sapien. Quisque efficitur metus sit amet porta rutrum. Donec porta diam ante, at pulvinar ante viverra eget. Sed laoreet tincidunt eros.

Nulla non cursus nunc. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus sed tortor eros. Fusce tempus dolor sed purus tempor feugiat. Phasellus rutrum diam sapien, ut dapibus velit molestie eget. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce egestas, tortor sit amet congue pharetra, lacus diam lobortis est, non mollis ante felis sit amet lectus.

  • 1 Integer facilisis et sem eu aliquam
  • 2 Aliquam volutpat felis ultrices ligula accumsan
  • 3 Et bibendum quam elementum
  • 4 Mauris cursus mi tellus

Multiples of Dix!

Today we learnt how to count in French, in tens, to 100! We had a piece of paper which told us how to spell the numbers in French. Next we had to make up a game including French numbers!


Dr Kilpatrick

What an interesting afternoon!


We had a visit from Dr Kilpatrick as part of our ‘Why am I so amazing?’ topic. She brought in lots of her equipment for us to look at and showed us how she used it. We asked her lots of questions and learnt lots of new things!

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We’ve been doing still life sketching today, using a range of pencil types from hard to soft to explore line and shading. But what to draw? To fit in with our science topic we’ve been drawing animals bones, particularly skulls. It was a bit strange at first but we’ve been able to study the shapes and the different teeth very closely.

Five Coins

Dr Fishwick had five coins in his pocket but he didn’t tell us which coins they were. So how much money might he have? It had to be at least 5p but it could be as much as £10.

We worked systematically to see what amounts were possible. After a while we shared the task around the class so that we could find more answers before the end of the lesson. At the end we could make every amount from 5p up to 57p and had also found £1-£1.17, £1.50-£1.61 and £2-£2.10. Who knew five coins could give so many different answers?

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

We’ve been finding out why the French commoners were so unhappy and, after taking some inspiration from Martin Luther King Jr, it wasn’t long before we started writing speeches calling for a revolution!


The uprising has begun and the peasants are revolting!

To multiply or divide?

Today we have had great fun trying to make a maths loop using our times tables. We have had to do some really careful thinking to make sure our loop worked.