This half term in LB2


Here are some of the wonderful things we have been busy with in LB2 this half term:

We have studied the BFG and created our own words, complete with definitions. We have also discussed how we can work out what words mean from their roots, similar words we know and the context of a passage. LB2 then created their own dream writing. Our display is very eye-catching. Now, we have moved on to writing complete stories based on our second significant author’s work, Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling. Our stories range from How The Hedgehog Got His Prickles to How the Peacock Got Its Tail and How The Flamingo Got A Body Like A Brain to How The Cheetah Became So Fast.

In maths, LB2 has been hard at work on multiplication and division. We are so good at our higher times tables and the related division facts!

Our new art work based on China and our Chinese New Year lanterns and riddles are also stunning. 

Thank you to everyone who was able to come to our open afternoon. The children  and staff loved having you here.  We all had fun joining in some of our daily activities and listening games.

In case you wanted something to revise over half term, our words of the day for the last three weeks have been:

howling, excruciating, idle; disagreeable, mischievous, inquisitive; exclaimed, responded, commented

They are all to do with our Just So Stories.

Have a great half term.