End of term news


It has been a busy but lovely term in LB2. We have finished our term with two step number problems which we have written and solved. We have also looked at Roman buildings and built one of our own. Each part is labelled. Our theme word of the week was colonnade. 

This week has been very busy preparing for Christmas. Here is an example of our cards and calendars. These have been sent home to you today. We have discussed reflection and symmetry, light and dark, shading and colour mixing as we produced our beautiful calendars. Look in the Christmas card stocking for our kennings and guess what they are all about.

We continue to do Word of the Day and will be doing a scavenger hunt tomorrow using words we have learnt.

We will be looking at the BFG by Roald Dahl for the first two weeks after Christmas. Optional homework would be to read or watch the BFG and design what he would have as a menu for his Christmas dinner. Children can either design his menu,  make a model or represent the food in any way they like. They can bring it in in the first week back. Reading should continue over Christmas and maths homework is due in on Monday 6th January

In LB2, we all wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.