Category: Reception

Fun Friday Fireworks

To celebrate Bonfire Night safely we made some chocolate sparklers.  The children enjoyed dipping the end of a finger biscuit into the melted chocolate and then into a small bowl of sprinkles. The best part was eating them!




Our story this week has been about three skeletons, a big skeleton, a little skeleton and a dog skeleton.  The children have enjoyed creating the story setting of the dark, dark town and the characters out of playdough.  Their story telling was captured on the recordable talking clipboards and they learnt how to write a label.  We practised our scissor and mark making skills and even did a skeleton dance in PE!       



Measuring Maths

Wow, the children are becoming fantastic independent learners in Reception.  This week we have compared heights and lengths and are begining to use the terms shorter, taller and longer. We can all order at least three objects according to size and have found lots of different ways to measure items.     

Family Friday

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our first Family Friday event.  The children loved showing you around the different learning zones and activities and we think the parents enjoyed it too!


Family Fun Day!

The children had a lot of fun on Saturday.

If you have any more photos from the event that you would like us to add them please email them to 

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Our First Full Week

What a wonderful first week.  The children have settled in really well and have enjoyed playing with new and old friends as well as investigating their classrooms and outdoor learning environment. All the new equipment in the physical shed has been put to good use, there may be one or two members of the next Olympic gold hockey team here!

As part of our Magical Me topic we have had lots of fun exploring the question ‘Who am I?’ through painting self-portraits and using playdough to make models of ourselves. We have been sharing our ‘All About Me’ booklets during circle time, it is great to find out about our friend’s families, pets and what the children enjoy doing.


Welcome to Reception

We have really enjoyed meeting you all during our induction process and look forward to an exciting year ahead.

This half term we will be focusing on exploring our new Reception setting, getting to know each other and making lots of new friends. This fits in nicely with our first topic ‘Magical Me!’and we are looking forward to finding out all about our interests.

Please keep checking our blogs for an ongoing update to all the exciting things we have been getting up to.

The Queen’s Birthday!

Happy Birthday Queen Elizabeth! 

Thanks for popping by to see us! 

The Big Toddle!

Reception did the Big Toddle! we raised lots of money for an amazing children’s charity – Barnado’s – and had a lot of fun going on the coach to the Lickey Beacon, toddling round, having our photo taken with Todd and going back to school for ice lollies! 

Thanks to everyone who donated 

Pies for Tom Thumb… But we’re going to eat them!

We made jam tarts for Tom Thumb after reading ‘Each Peach Pear Plum’ We enjoyed finding the rhyming words and learning about each of the fairy tale characters. 

We rolled out the pastry, filled it with our favourite flavour jam and then made a beautiful top for the pie. They smelt delicious while they were baking in the oven!