Category: KS1 Language Base

Building Dens with Dr Fishwick

Day at Fenn Lane Farm

Looking at the Weather

LB1 have been looking at the weather throughout the year and today we made bar graphs to show how the temperature changed throughout the year. We found that December was the coldest but, unsurprisingly, the last few months have been much hotter.

Microscopic Science

LB1 had great fun looking at small objects through the microscope.  They looked at seeds, leaves and other interesting items .

What type of activities do you do out of school?

In Friday’s show and tell,the children discussed with the class the type of activities that they do out of school.

Harrison brought in his swimming float.  He swims without arm bands and demonstrated the strokes that he is learning.  He is able to go into the deep end of the pool! He said that he can swim under water!  He also discussed the sea horse he uses in the pool. 







We asked Harrison questions about his swimming lessons.



















Freddie swims out of school with his cousin and brother.  He demonstrated the strokes that he did in the pool too. 

















Rowan enjoys to swim out of school too.  He discussed the different activities he does in the pool. 












Jaiden and Taylor brought in Lego models and pictures.  They said they exercise their brain out of school by imagining lots of exciting machines to make using Lego.  Jaiden also showed the class a design of his. 
















Marcus discussed all the fun activities he did at his barbecue and we looked at his picture of him camping in the garden. 









Liam discussed his day trip with Reading Bear where him and his family walked around London. 

Plant Invasion!

Strange yellow containers of a brown, powdery material have been appearing on window sills throughout the school. It can only mean one thing… summer is finally here and everyone has started growing seeds! In Years 1 and 2, along with Language Base 1, the children have planted marigolds while LB1 have also planted sunflowers along with Language Base 2 and Year 3. We hope to plant these outside later in the year and we chose both flowers as they are beneficial to wildlife, providing nectar for butterflies and bees and a source of seeds for birds in the autumn.

Farewell Mrs Hollier!

Mrs Hollier:-

‘I would like to thank everyone for their good wishes and gifts.

It has been a privilege to work with the children in LB1.


Red Knight’s Visit!

On Wednesday 14th March the Red Knight visited year 1 and LB1 went along to meet him too!

Here are some memories of the fabulous afternoon we spent with the Red Knight. 







Blast off into Space!

  We started our journey in Year 1 where there was a surprise waiting for us in 1RB






What could it be ?






Wow! It was a rocket launch area.  We were on a journey to the moon.






We saw asteroids.










We then went back to the classroom and made rockets.









Taylor is making galaxy mobiles.








Cameron came to join us and he and Liam made star constellations. 






Azaan is investigating flour and water .  He is making a moon picture. 







We having great fun with the space station.









Harrison is looking at the night sky  with a torch in our black out tent. 








We are off to investigate the solar system.








First stop the sun.  












The closest planet to the sun is Mercury. It is very hot here.






Venus – a very beautiful, peaceful planet. 






Oh good! We are at Earth. Far enough away from the sun to have  heat and light. 






The red planet – Mars! Why is it so red?







We have arrived at Jupiter. We looked carefully at the swirling mass on the planet. This is a storm that has been raging for hundreds of years !







Here is Saturn  with all its rings. I wonder what the rings are made of? 










Off we go on our travels. Which planet is next!












We have arrived at Uranus. 









Gosh! Its a long way to get to this planet.












We are still going!








At last we have arrived at Neptune.




It must be very cold as we are a long way from the sun. 





Here we are at the end of our journey!









Harrison very kindly brought in a badge for each of the children.

Thank you!

World Book Day!

We celebrated World Book Day in school today where all the staff and children dressed up  as book characters.

In LB1 we chose the book ‘101 Dalmations’ as it characterises loyalty, courage , self belief and team work. 

Taylor enjoyed,  ‘dressing up as  a  doggie as they are brave.’












Jaiden enjoyed dressing up as he likes ‘celebrating reading lots of books.’












Harrison enjoyed all of us dressing up as dogs. 












Rowan enjoyed dressing up to celebrate books.












Azaan enjoyed dressing up as a dog.












Freddie dressing up as his favourite character – Woody!’
