4th November – How creative can we be?


Our first week back after half term and we have filled the day with lots of creative and investigative activities.

Our Science lesson focused on identifying changes that take place in our natural environment during Autumn. We chose to explore the school grounds and complete an ‘Autumn Hunt’ trail, searching for and classifying changes to our natural environment. Of course, the pupils loved finding spiders to scare Mrs Pitcher!

  Art and Cookery explored different materials and how they could be used to create a firework image. Pupils used chalk, pegs and 2-d shapes to create their firework picture, which were then placed into a ‘Firework Gallery’ for the class to share. The most favourite material was the chalk as the class loved using their hands.

Finally, cookery focused on their fine motor skills and independent thinking. They decorated a moon biscuit to illustrate how a firework appears in front of a full moon.