Month: March 2020

Corona Rap Homework

Listen to the fantastic Corona Rap homework made by some of our pupils from Years 2, 3 and 4 below…

Week ending Friday, 13th March, 2020

We started our exploration of a new text by Julia Donaldson, this week being ‘The Smartest Giant in Town.’ We explored repetition and sequencing before writing some wonderful sentences about each of the key events. Both Mrs Pitcher and Miss Troth were left speechless by the writing produced by every child.

The giant then became the stimulus for our Art activity. We worked in two groups to create life size collages of the giant before and after he changed his clothes.


         The giant before!                                                The giant with his new clothes!

Our week ended with Sports Relief. We spent the majority of the day involved in some sort of sports activity both inside and outside of the classroom. We were all exhausted by the end of the day!

Agility races in the classroom:


Exercise Class with Joe Wicks:


Outdoor team challenges including:

  • Agility course and Ball Skills races


  •  Team Ball Skills 1 minute challenges


The Winners!


Home Learning

Please find information on each class page for your child to complete in their home learning books. There are a range of tasks and activities which we hope will suit everyone including some physical activity. We encourage you to ensure your children at least keep up with their reading, spelling and maths and hope you enjoy the research projects, which we look forward to seeing when everything is back to normal.

We are now aware that phonics, Y2 and Y6 SATS tests and the Y4 timetables are not likely to go ahead. However, we ask that our children continue their hard work and efforts at home to prepare for transition to high school and new year groups and further develop their educational development.

School to home contact via Parentmail – we will continue to communicate through our parentmail app. Please ensure you read all communication sent by the school as this will be our primary communication link with you.

Office@ email account – this will operate as usual so you are able to contact school should you need to. (Note: messages will not necessarily be accessed and responded to after 6.00pm and before 7.30am or at weekends, this is for the health and wellbeing of staff)

Thank you for your support and encouragement during this unusual time. I do hope all our families stay safe and happy.

Miss A.L. Salisbury


Yes, we are open !

There are NO confirmed cases of coronavirus in school.

I have spoken with Public Health England and the Local Authority following the coronavirus information shared by a parent this morning. I am advised that the family who contacted the school today are self isolating under the new guidance as a result of an NHS assessment but have NOT been tested. Therefore please be assured the cases are NOT confirmed .If your child has a new dry cough and/or a high temperature or is in a household with anyone with these symptoms then you must self -isolate. The on-going advice is that our school remains open and will remain open unless we are directed to close. We advise that you continue to keep any children with symptoms and siblings at home for 14 days. If you collected your child from school today and there are NO symptoms in your household then please ensure they return to school tomorrow. We continue to put as many preventative measures in place as we can to keep our children and families safe and are using today as a further opportunity to deep clean. Please be reassured we are acting on the advice given by Public Health England and the Local Authority.

First Assembly by YR !

Reception children shared their learning on Friday with KS1 children, siblings and many,many proud family members. What a super first assembly, well done everyone. 

Sports relief

We have really enjoyed the last few weeks learning about people who help us and helping others in preparation for our Sports Relief assembly. We were all amazing and should be really proud of ourselves.


The children thoroughly enjoyed our pancake week and joined in with lots of activities including making pancakes in Mr Wolf’s role play kitchen, using the flour to make chalk paint, create words in the flour with the magnetic letters and sieves, decorate a pancake face with shapes, practise flipping different pancake shapes(and balancing them on our heads!) and of course, making and eating their own pancakes! The children particularly enjoyed the various toppings of syrups and fruit! 

World Book Day

We were lucky enough to be given a signed Michael Rosen book last week which I enjoyed reading to Year 5 and Year 6 on World Book Day. Sadly, there wasn’t any chocolate cake in sight. The delicious story about a midnight adventure made us all laugh and think far too much about chocolate cake. MMMmmmmmm, yum. 

Week ending 6th March, 2020

This week was full of investigating characters and books as a celebration of World Book Day.

Literacy focused on The Detective Dog by Julia Donaldson. We worked to rewrite the story before creating our own drama interpretation. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed the drama games and were able to improvise conversations based on hot chocolate and Super Mario!


In Music, we continued to find the rhythm and beat of popular songs. As always, the pupils were completely motivated by the instruments and are beginning to recognise 1, 2 and 4 beat patterns.


Purposeful Play focused on creating characters and role-playing different scenarios linked to story cards. Lots of imaginative play evolved and some rather interesting characters too!


Finally, World Book Day arrived. The class had the delight of arriving in school dressed in their pyjamas. They spent the day sharing their favourite stories and participating in activities alongside the other KS 1 classes.


Week ending – 28th February, 2020

Oh my goodness, what a crazy week – snow, rain, snow, floods … when will we find some organised weather system?

However, the confusion of the weather has not phased our wonderful LB 1 pupils. Instead, they have worked like little Trojans, proving how resilient they are all becoming; persevering at tasks that have challenged them and talking about their emotions when events have upset them! Well done, LB 1!

Shrove Tuesday arrived in LB1 and the pupils put their creative chef hats on to create new topping ideas for their pancakes. After exploring how the different countries in the British Isles have their pancakes, the pupils were set the challenge of creating a unique topping for Mrs Pitcher, using their fine motor skills to plan, prepare and create their own pancake toppings. Yummy!

Firstly, they visited the ‘Cookery Shop’ to decide what toppings would be best before planning and designing their creation. 

Of course, once their creations had been made, we had to give them the opportunity to taste test!

Visit to the Cookery Shop to buy their toppings – 

Time to create – 

Time to taste – 


Lesson learning – 

Maths this week explored bigger and smaller numbers: proving it, finding more and less and finding the difference.

Yr. 2 have really shone this week in their Numeracy. They were introduced to the new symbol of bigger than > and smaller than  < in the style of crocodile teeth. They rolled 2 dice to find numbers less than 30 before making a comparison. Great group work was observed as they enjoyed proving Mrs Pitcher wrong!

Finally, we have begun our preparations for the SEND Dance Festival, early in April. We spent our Music lesson exploring the song before Miss Troth used her dance expertise to begin creating our performance. Thank you, Miss Troth. Photos and videos to follow as the performance takes shape.