Month: March 2019

Just a Load of Hot Air

As part of their forces science topic, Year 5 have been exploring density, expansion and why hot air rises. To test our ideas we worked together to build hot air balloons. 

Home Secretary Visits LHPSN for Democracy Question Time

We also welcomed the Home Secretary, Mr. Sajid Javid, MP, today.  He commented on the children’s excellent questions including: who inspires you? How did you feel when you found out you had the job of Home Secretary? Are we safe as young people with knife crime today ? Would you ever build a wall like Donald Trump? He shared some interesting facts about his role as Home Secretary, working with the Prime Minister and the Queen.  Mr Javid was greeted by our Headboy Will, and Headgirl Evie,  who were really excited to meet him.  Year 6 were pleased he was able to give us a small amount of his time during this busy time in parliament and they look forward to finding out more about democracy next week.

Budding musicians!

Our Year 3 children been learning how to compose their first pieces of music. They know the difference between an untuned instrument that only makes one note in different pitches as well as a tuned one with high, middle and low notes. Here we are writing our own music that we will perform to LB1.  They used Loki the Joker from Viking sagas as their stimulus.

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Special Visit from a Police Officer

As part of our theme, People who help us we had a special visit from a police officer. She told us lots about the job she does in the community and at the airport where she works. We talked about how the police keep us safe but our favourite part of all was getting to try on the police uniform! We couldn’t believe how heavy the helmets were. A big thank you to Miss Spearman for coming in and sharing all the wonderful things with us. 

World book day

Nursery enjoyed dressing up as wild animals, sharing photos and animal fact files with their friends.

Pancake day

On pancake day we tried different fillings in our pancakes, chocolate spread was definitely the favourite! We practiced tossing the pancakes into the air and catching them in the pan. the children were much better at this than Mrs green

Fantastic Factfiles

This week we finished our factfiles on The Evil Gruncher.  Using 5 main headings we compiled our posters for our classroom display.

We loved using the Macbooks for writing and editing our work.

Hockey action shots

In Year 3 games we are learning hockey skills including dribbling, passing to a partner & how to push pass. Look at our Year 3 boys in action!



A Trio of planting

With spring well under way we turned our thoughts to gardening and getting a head start. Mrs Jones brought in a selection of seeds, compost and pots. We chose which three seeds we wanted to grow from:

Tomato, French Bean, Beetroot & Cucumber.

We filled each little pot with compost and planted our seed then added a wooden label to each pot. We look forward to seeing our little seeds germinate so watch this space for updates.


Amazing Animals!

Here we are in our fabulous WBD animal costumes. Everyone shared their factfile in literacy this morning. Thank you to  our families for their support in helping the children to do their WBD task.