Month: December 2017

Adverse Weather Update

The school will be open on Wednesday 13th December.Please see emails on your parent view app for further details of start time options.

School Closure – Tuesday 12th December

School Closure – Tuesday 12th December. Following consultation with staff and governors about further freezing temperatures overnight, and compacted ice on pavements and busy roads where parents park, we will remain closed tomorrow for the safety of all our pupils, families and staff.

KS1 Christmas Performance

Edited highlights are now posted on the Year 2 page so please take a look and enjoy the clips from the show. Photographs will follow shortly. Well done everyone, a super team effort of narration, singing, dancing, percussion and acting to bring a lovely story of kindness and friendship to life. 


Adverse Weather Closure

LHPSN will be closed on Monday 11th December due to adverse weather conditions. The forecast of freezing conditions during the night and early morning make the site unsafe for cars and our pupils.


Unfortunately, school is closed today due to the weather conditions on both sides of the hill. 

Trojan horse

We have been learning about the  Trojan war. 

We made Trojan horses and we will display them on the wall.

Greek pots

Year five made Greek pots we really enjoyed it

Greek pots

Year five made Greek pots we really enjoyed it!!!

Songs around the Christmas tree

What a wonderful seasonal sing song. It was lovely to share our singing and dancing at our very first Lickey Hills production.

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Santa at the Farm!

Who did Nursery find at Umberslade farm yesterday?

Nursery had a wonderful time at the farm . Everyone met Santa whispered their Christmas wishes to him which was very exciting. During the day everyone was able to see and feed the different farm animals and their babies. The behaviour of the children was excellent and I know the farm staff were delighted to welcome you all.