Month: June 2017

Giant Spirolaterals

We’ve been exploring spirolaterals – patterns formed by repeating simple mathematical rules. We explored different numbers of steps while turning through right-angles. A spirolateral of order 5, for example, follows these rules:

  • Forward 1cm then turn
  • Forward 2cm then turn
  • Forward 3cm then turn
  • Forward 4cm then turn
  • Forward 5cm then turn
  • Repeat

Each turn was 90° clockwise. However, we then decided that it would be more fun to go outside and do some giant maths by drawing large spirolateral patterns across the playground.

We took a very dizzy walk along a spirolateral of order 4 which spirals off in to infinity:


Summer Fayre Enterprise – Thank you!

A huge thank you to everyone involved with our super Summer Fayre and and Enterprise event on Saturday. Thank you to those who gave their time on PTA , staff and children for running stalls, those who donated and those of you who came along on the day to enjoy the event. What a super team effort and enjoyable day for all. Today we have the ‘count up’ so we can find out how much was raised and which class stall wins our special ‘most profit’ reward. We still have some unclaimed raffle prizes in the office so will contact you to collect this week. Many thanks again to everyone for another very enjoyable and successful fundraising day, your support is appreciated.


Visit to the Botanical Gardens

We had a fantastic time at the Botanical Gardens. We have been learning about the life-cycle of a butterfly and it was great to see the different parts on the cycle in real life. The butterfly house was definitely the best bit, the butterflies were the biggest we have ever seen and were all amazing colours and shapes. Thank you too all the Mummy helpers, we hope you had great fun too!

Prayer spaces

We are really enjoying visiting the staffroom this week to work with visitors from the church to think about our values. We have enjoyed thinking about what we are thankful for and what qualities make a super friend. 

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2FT’s wonderful assembly

Well done to all of the children in 2FT for their wonderful performance in their assembly this morning! You sang beautifully and remembered your lines so well, Miss Perry is very proud! Thank you to parents for the lovely sunny costumes that brightened up everyone’s morning!

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Big Sing

Today all of Year 5 visited Worcester University Arena to attend the ‘Big Sing’. We enjoyed singing our songs that we have been practising for the last few weeks and we also learned some new ones. It was great fun singing with nearly 1500 children and to a live band!

Please enjoy this extract of us singing!


PTA Summer Fete 2017

On Saturday 17th June (2pm-4pm) we will be holding our annual PTA summer fete. As we did last year, each year group will be setting up and running their own business to help raise money for the school ICT project. Please come along and join in the fun!

The PTA have already raised an amazing £2500 this academic year! We are aiming to raise a further £4500 to purchase 30 new ipads and 15 laptops to enhance the learning of every child in school (from Nursery to Year 6).


2MG Class Assembly

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LHPSN General Election Results

The votes have been counted for the general election 2017 at LHPSN. Despite a visit by Theresa May this afternoon, the children have elected the Green party as their winning choice. Children said they liked the Green’s policy on abolishing SATs tests,moving to a four day working week and their strong eco saving plans. There was a great turnout at the ballot boxes and some excellent debating taking place.

Andy Goldsworthy

We are really enjoying Art and our latest piece of art work has been inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. 

Can you guess what we have made? 


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